
2020 NEW ERA 新梦唤城 | 第六届CREDAWARD颁奖盛典成功举办

CREDAWARD 地建师 2022-12-14

2020 NEW ERA「新梦唤城」

暨第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 颁奖盛典在上海中心隆重召开

2020【NEW ERA】



2020 is destined to be unordinary year. As Mr. Ieoh Ming Pei said: The mankind is tellurian only hasty passing traveler, only the city will be permanent exist.


Representatives of world-renowned outstanding architects, designers and real estate developers gathered at Shanghai-Shanghai Tower on September 20 to share the outstanding works, and to celebrate 2020【NEW ERA】6th China Real Estate & Design Award Ceremony.

在特殊的防疫时期,第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 将以往线下演讲颁奖的形式,创新性的调整为线上演讲和线下互动的形式进行评选工作。主办方、评委团以及各位演讲嘉宾都非常认真,这是一次成功的尝试。——评委团荣誉主席 邢同和Due to the COVID-19, 6th CREDAWARD has innovatively adjusted the past offline shortlisted project presentation to the online conference. The organizing committee, judges and the participants are taking it very seriously. This is a successful attempt.——Tonghe Xing, Honorary Chairman of the Judging Committee

今年Online线上是非常特殊的,但是全体评委在3月就收到了地建师寄来的评委手册、入围作品项目手册,这让我们有充足的时间提前认真看每个项目。最终,我们经过线上评审和评委团线下充分讨论和投票,产生了本届金银奖项目。这是一次新的且成功的尝试。同时,今年也是第一年我们产生了三位联席主席,这也是个新的方法,一个新的开始。——联席主席 陈建邦Online conference is special, but all the judges have received the judge manual and the shortlisted project manual from the organizing committee. This gave us enough time to review each project carefully in advance. Finally, the Annual Gold and Silver Award Winners came out after presentation and full judging discussion and voting. This is a new and successful attempt. Meanwhile, this year is also the first year we have produced three co-chairs. It is also a new method, and a new beginning.——Albert Chan, Co-chair of the Judging Committee


——评委 阴杰

This year, because of the online conference format, the globalization has become more profound. Architects and designers from American, Thailand, Britain, Singapore, and other different countries all over the world went online to give project speeches at the same time. It really reflects that CREDAWARD has become a high-level stage for industry exchanges.——Jerry Yin, Judge of CREDAWARD


There are 442 Merit Award Winners for 6th CREDAWARD, project categories including: high-end residence, demonstration area, long-term rented flat, urban renewal, mixed-use, large-scale commercial center, shopping mall, industrial park, headquarters, exhibition, tourist resort, hotel, restaurant, city park, ecological landscape, private residence, etc.

第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 优秀奖-公建项目

6th CREDAWARD Merit Award-Public Building Project

——联席主席 贾朝晖There is a rise in the number of shortlisted projects this year again. But judging from the projects, there is also a certain degree of specialty and difference. A large number of excellent projects came out in public building. For the residential and interior, projects are quite good but become more and more homogeneous due to the standardization of projects or the policies. There is more space for improvement in differentiation and creativity. I believe there will be more excellent projects next year. It is expected that the depth and difference will be increased in project category, project style and research on clients. I hope more representative projects in different categories, fields and directions will emerge in the future.——Zhaohui Jia, Co-chairs of the Judging Committee

第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 优秀奖-居住项目

6th CREDAWARD Merit Award-Residential Project

——评委 张兆强The average level of residential projects is quite high, but the projects of demonstration area are still similar and lack of creativity. I hope that through our joint efforts, more interesting and creative projects will emerge.——Zhaoqiang Zhang, Judge of CREDAWARD

第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 优秀奖-景观设计

6th CREDAWARD Merit Award-Landscape Design


——评委 祝峥

Landscape projects are outstanding this year. Some projects are very good while some projects cover a large span of time, of which some parts have been built. Actually, I would like to see more projects which the real scene is presented, and the material, process and experience of customer are presented in a relatively complete way. I think it is a tendency in the future.——Zheng Zhu, Judge of CREDAWARD

第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 优秀奖-室内设计

6th CREDAWARD Merit Award-Interior Design

——评委 张春玲If a design only starts with image and doesn’t have deep culture profoundness to support, it tends to look very familiar and can’t be touching. So, our originality has to be based on our characteristic gene, history and culture. That is where designers try hard to take root and create works in the future.——Chunling Zhang, Judge of CREDAWARD

第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 优秀奖-照明设计

6th CREDAWARD Merit Award-Lighting Design

——评委 钱毅Lighting design, as an important part of CREDAWARD, has more and more entries these years. They represent the whole level of urban renewal, public building, interior design and lighting design in contemporary China. Though lighting design accounts for less awards, it fully reflect judges’ respect and importance on lighting industry.——Yi Qian, Judge of CREDAWARD



6th CREDAWARD Merit Award-Representative of Developer



6th CREDAWARD has 10 Gold and 10 Silver Award Winners for each residential projects, public building, landscape design, and interior design. The winnersare from America, Japan, Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Britain, Italy, France, Singapore, Thailand, Beijing (China),  Shanghai (China), Hangzhou (China), Chengdu (China), Chongqing (China), Guangzhou (China), Shenzhen (China), Hong Kong (China), Taiwan (China).



6th CREDAWARD Silver Award-Public Building Project



6th CREDAWARD Silver Award-Residential Project



6th CREDAWARD Silver Award-Landscape Design



6th CREDAWARD Silver Award-Interior Design



6th CREDAWARD Silver Award-Lighting Design

也许有些人认为“商业建筑”同博物馆,文化中心,或甚是教育建筑相比,多了一些铜钱味,少了一些“比格”。“太商业了”往往成了评判一个建筑的贬义词。其实不然。商业建筑是真正为主流群体打造的建筑,是“小众“的扩展面,即”大众“建筑。由于受众面广大,就意味着建筑需要很强的前瞻性以及市场定位,也需要魄力并与时俱进的决断并深度了解消费者的消费习惯和真实需求,这些方面都考虑到是很难的,需要很多时间的磨练并且不断复盘总结和改进。好的商业建筑才是建筑中的极品。我们希望与地产、设计行业里的各方力量一起,将当下有些单调的城市重新塑造成更具个性和美学吸引力的生活空间。也许我们做的事就像“一石投湖”,但我相信越来越多的人会看到涟漪中的美丽。——海外秘书长 方芳

Compared with museums, cultural centers and even educational architecture, commercial architecture is likely to be less posh and lack of style. 'Too commercial' tends to be a negative phrase to judge a certain architecture. In fact, it is not true. Commercial architecture is designed for the mainstream group. They are public architecture, which are the extension for the minority.

As it faces a wide audience, it means that the architects need to be proactive and have accurate market positioning. They need to be vigorous and keep up-to-date to make a decision. They need to know the consumption habits and real demands of customers. It is difficult to take all into consideration, so it takes more time to practice and keep reflecting, summary and make improvement. An excellent commercial architecture is a real masterwork.

We hope to re-build the monotonous cities into living spaces with more characteristics and aesthetic attraction through the efforts from real estate and design industry. Perhaps what we are doing cannot make the difference, but I believe more and more people can see it.——Fang Fang, Overseas Secretary General of the Judging Committee


Award Ceremony of Judge Certificates










CREDAWARD adheres to the evaluation standards of architectural aesthetics, environment protection, user experience and economic benefits, spread and commend cutting-edge design concepts for the Gold Award projects. 

Reference of Evaluation Scope:

The project should be more positively innovative, original and cultural;

◆The project has a leading role in the aesthetic trend of the industry;

◆The function of the project is reasonable, with the epochal and unique character;

◆The project should be important positive impact of the project on the surrounding/local society;

◆The project has a profound effect on the sustainable development of industry;

◆The project has a certain role model for learning now and even in the future;

◆The quality and cost of project design should be considered,  the design should have a positive impact on the improvement of product value.



6th CREDAWARD Gold Award-Public Building Project



6th CREDAWARD Gold Award-Residential Project



6th CREDAWARD Gold Award-Planning Design



6th CREDAWARD Gold Award-Landscape Design



6th CREDAWARD Gold Award-Interior Design



6th CREDAWARD Gold Award-Lighting Design

——联席主席 朱晓涓

Compared with the previous years, more and more outstanding projects emerged in the 6th CREDAWARD. Whether it is from public building, residence, landscape, interior, the quality and maturity of works are getting higher and higher, and I think all the above are original.

Meanwhile, the judging method has changed a lot. A novel judging method was adopted. The executive judges had a discussion on the judging method since February. Finally, a brand-new online conference was live broadcast via all the media to all the industry. The guests gave a speech on the shortlisted projects online while 21 judges divided into 7 groups to review the project separately offline, which proved to be an efficient way. Finally, all the Gold, Silver and Merit awards were selected after the rigorous and strict discussion of the Judges.

Though COVID-9 is not over yet, our life needs to go on. The award has come to a perfect end. The ceremony was postponed, the award ceremony is held with great pomp and solemnity.

Representatives of world-renowned outstanding architects, designers and real estate developers gathered on September 20 to share the outstanding works, and promote the better development of architectural design and real estate industry.

We hope that CREDAWARD and architecture industry will become better and better through the joint efforts of judges and all the architects.——Xiaojuan Zhu, Co-chair of the Judging Committee









Twenty-five thousand years ago, a home was an ancient cave where human sheltered from tough weather;

Sixteen thousand years ago, a home was a tent where human lived in group, and they lived in nature and carry life on from generation to generation; 

Six thousand years ago, a home was a thatched hut which presented the prototype of a building;

Four thousand years ago, a home was a wooden hut which was more practical than a thatched one, meanwhile an early city began to appear;

Eight hundred years ago, a home was a cottage made of the blue tile and white wall, meanwhile the concept of the city became clearer and clearer;

One hundred years ago, a home was an alley featured with diverse styles, such as, Siheyuan in Beijing, ShiLiYangChang in Shanghai, the alleys in Nanjing, the little Western-style mansions in Tianjin...

Thirty years ago, a home was a building made of steel and concrete, meanwhile numerous high-rise buildings rose from the ground and thriving cities were built.


Award Ceremony of Jury Certificates


对第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 颁奖典礼在上海中心大厦举办,表示热烈祝贺

Jianping Gu, General Manager of Shanghai Tower

Warm congratulations to the 6th CREDAWARD Ceremony held in Shanghai Tower

感谢全体嘉宾,出席2020 NEW ERA「新梦唤城」暨第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国颁奖盛典。

Thanks to all the guests for attending the 2020 NEW ERA ——6th China Real Estate & Design Award Ceremony.










2021 地建师设计节 敬请期待!
地建师设计节DJSER Design Festival(DDF)是由在中国地区享有盛誉的地产设计行业专业平台——地建师发起。
旨在协助设计决策者洞察未来趋势,推动行业上下游产业链的健康发展。DDF现场精彩活动:CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国、20X20 设计论坛、企业联合精品展示等。

